Iran: Regime Fears the Consequences of Transition of Power and the Changes in U.S. Policy


NCRI – Following the rise of the new administration in U.S., the Iranian regime is expressing fear for the policy changes. The state-run ‘Mardomsalari Newspaper’ made the following suggestions to Rouhani and stated: “Since Trump, intends to annul Iran Nuclear Deal and start fighting with the Iranian regime, the biggest opportunity for Tehran is to take advantage of the gap between the European Union and the United States in order to develop economic and political relations with Brussels. Trumpism is a phenomenon that requires certain intelligence.

Washington intends to share Syria with Moscow and to trade the system.”

Another state run newspaper called ‘Jahane Sanat’ wrote: “we can now witness the change in the Syrian civil war, since the commander of Russian forces in Syria, Lt. Gen. Alexander Zhuravlev on January 26th addressed Hezbollah and the Syrian army to change their policy. No clashes got recently started and the jet fighters were halted to launch attacks.

These measures have been carried out by Russia in the wake of a tacit agreement between Trump and Putin through a detailed telephone conversation.

The change of the US policy towards the Iranian regime is also visible. Following Iran’s missile test, the National Security Advisor of the White HoU.S.e, Michael Flynn stipulated the clear stance of the United States and said that unlike the former government, he has no hesitation about taking military measures against the Iranian regime.

It seems that the regime has considered the policy of reconciliation formulated by Washington and Moscow. The regime also intends to stress on its strategic value for Russia once again. Therefore, Rouhani plans to pay an official visit to Moscow.”

The head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi is also concerned about the current situation and stated:”Trump solves his problem by mentioning us we have to act tactfully and wisely so that we won’t become their target.”

On the other hand, the state-run ‘Kayhan Newspaper’ slammed Rouhani’s administration and wrote:”they apply external pressure to intimidate people; forcing them to survive so that the government rules as well.

Some people inside Iran with naivety believe that the only way to stand against Trump is to foster relations with Europe. They say that there are strategic differences between America and European countries regarding Iran. We could be safe from America’s threats, plans, and preys by clinging hope to the Europeans.”

The Commander Bagher Zolghadr is the executive head of the Popular Front that is established to seize the presidential seats. He stressed the necessity of forming a new government as well as overthrowing Rouahni’s. He stated that the revolutionary forces have to form a government immediately due to current circumstances in the country, the world, and the region so that the demands of people will be addressed and fulfilled.


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