Iran: Mullahs Would Be ‘Toast’ in War With US

Iran: Mullahs Would Be 'Toast' in War With US

By Mohammad Sadat Khansari

Tensions have been rising between the US and Iran for weeks, but even now that they seem to be easing, Donald Trump has openly refused to take military action off the table, saying that “there’s always a chance of war” with the Gulf nation. A smart move because otherwise, Iran may feel as if they have free reign to attack with impunity.

A Republican lawmaker has backed Trump’s comment, noting that the US would crush the Iranian regime in any such conflict in only a limited time.

Congressman Adam Kinzinger told Fox News’ ‘American Newsroom’ that Trump was right to take a hardline stance because the Iranian regime was the party provoking the US.

The Illinois representative said: “This is Iranians’ doing, they’re almost trying to provoke us. So, the reaction would obviously be the right answer if it happens again… In terms of military to military, it would be a very one-sided conflict. Iran would be pretty much toast in a very quick amount of time.”

He continued that the Iranian regime was unlikely to cross Trump’s redlines in order to avoid defeat.

The Iranian regime has responded that it would not hesitate to retaliate if the US attacked, but the country has many times, despite its aggressive behaviour and language, expressed a desire to avoid war. This is because Kinzinger’s assessment was correct and Iran would lose quickly.

Iran regime’s president Hassan Rouhani said: “Iran has no tendency to enter conflict with other countries or world powers.”

He previously said of potential conflict: “The situation is not suitable for talks and our choice is resistance only. I favour talks and diplomacy but under current conditions, I do not accept it.”

The recent war of words came after the Iranian regime threatened to resume uranium enrichment programmes, which are banned under the 2015 nuclear deal – known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – reached between the US, the UK and a number of other countries in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.

Trump, a major critic of the deal on the campaign trail, pulled the US out of the agreement in 2018, citing Iran regime’s cheating, and imposed sanctions. Since then, tensions have risen as the Iranian economy collapsed and many speculated about the potential for war.

This was even more of a worry after the US moved troops into the region last month in response to potential Iran regime’s plots, but nothing has yet come to pass and probably never will.

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