Iran is Responsible for Violence in Iraq: Executive Director of National Dialogue Front of Iraq

Amman, (NCRI) – United Nations office in Amman, Jordan published the speech given by Mr. Mashan Saadi the Executive Director of National Dialogue Front of Iraq in the “National Conference to Revive Trust in the Government”.

Mr. Mashan Saadi whose speech was broadcast on Babelieh TV station in Iraq noted Iranian regime’s meddling as the root cause of the Iraqi crisis and said:

“Today Iraqi people suffer from an unknown enemy. This enemy is determined to break up all the social fabric of our society. Yes, in Iraq we consider the Iranian regime responsible for violence and terrorism that sheds Iraqi blood.

This is a reality not based on animosity between Iraqi and Iranian people. On the contrary there is outstanding bond between the two nations which has roots in their historic and humane relationship. Today this bond is stronger than ever because the real representatives of Iranian people Mojahedin-e-Khalq (PMOI) are situated in Iraq.

Not only this organization has strong and long lasting ties with Iraqi people but they also expose the Iranian meddling in Iraq and that is the reason Iranian regime is threatened by their presence in Iraq and is undermining all international laws in pressuring the Iraqi government to expel them.

We are very concerned because this enemy is not acknowledged. This is the enemy that assassinates Iraqis based on sectarianism and is detached from the reality of Iraqi society.

The National Conference to Revive Trust in the Government was organized by the Iraqi government along with the United Nations Development Program and the UN office of Economic and Social Development office in Amman, Jordan. Iraqi Parliamentarians, Party Leaders and Iraqi and Arab personalities attended this conference.

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