Iranian regime is blocking no-confidence vote in Iraq’s al-Maliki, former finance minister

NCRI – The Iranian regime is blocking a vote of no confidence in Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki amid widespread demonstrations against his government, Iraq’s former finance minister has said.

Dr. Rafi al-Issawi – who recently resigned in protest at al-Maliki’s policies – told Iraq’s al-Taqeer TV on Friday “The solution to the current crisis in Iraq is the removal of Nouri al-Maliki.

“The country will only be saved if the National Iraqi Alliance replaces al-Maliki. The National Unity is facing the historical responsibility of finding his replacement.”

Meanwhile millions of Iraqis staged mass protests against the government for the third successive Friday last week in defiance of security forces sent to clamp down on the demonstrations.

Speaking at protest in city of Ramadi, the head of Iraqi parliament’s Economic Commission Dr Ahmed al-Aavani, said: “My message to al-Maliki is to get out before they expel you.

He branded the Iranian regime a ‘poisonous snake’, adding: “There has been enough blood-letting of the people of Iraq.

“Hopefully the heroic people of Iraq will now trample upon this snake.”

In the city of Mousel, a spokesman for the protesters expressed concern about the UN’s Iraqi representative Martin Kobler’s remarks regarding upcoming provincial elections in Iraq.

Qanem Al-Aabed said Kobler lied to the Iraqi people and had sided with the country’s ruling party.

He said thousands of people were collecting signatures to call for his removal, the Al-Akhbarya news agency reported.


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