Iran: Head of regime’s Prisons Organization removed

The Iranian regime’s judiciary chief has replaced the head of Prisons Organization one of the officials responsible for the brutal raid on political prisoners in Ward 350 of the Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison.

Gholamhossein Esmaeeli is replaced by Asghar Jahangir the current head of judiciary’s Special Inspections office.

Jahangir has for years been close adviser to head of judiciary. Esmaili was named head of the regime’s  judiciary in Tehran province.

On April 17, A large number of the clerical regime’s suppressive forces raided the ward 350 of notorious Evin Prison, savagely beating up and insulting the prisoners. The excuse for the raid was inspecting the ward.

Ward 350 is the ward of political prisoners in Evin Prison, including those who are imprisoned on the charges of affiliation with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The Amnesty International condemned the raid in a call for Urgent Action on April 17.

The assailants were in particularly focused on prisoners who are charged with being affiliated to the PMOI/MEK and beat them up more severely, and wounded a number of them.

The henchmen in Evin transferred a number of political prisoners to solitary cells despite their injuries and their need for medical treatment and there is no news on their conditions.

In a ridiculous attempt to cover up the inhumane crime committed by the Iranian regime in Evin Prison, the head of State Prisons Organization said on Monday, April 21, “Following the dissemination of false information from inside the prison, we investigated the issue and identified the element who was behind it. And we introduced him to the judicial authorities”.

Gholam Hossein Esmaeeli said:”There were no clashes in ward 350 of the Evin Detention Center and it was just a periodic inspection. News of clashes between inmates and our colleagues are not true and these are lies disseminated by the opponents of the state.”

A group of relatives of political prisoners joined with residents of Tehran gathered on Tuesday outside the office of Hassan Rouhani, the Iranian regime’s President, to protest the attack.

The protesters in Tehran chanted “Free Political Prisoners.” They also carried signs that read: “We have seen with our own eyes, the (attack) was not lie it was a tragedy.”

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