Iran: Hassan Rouhani regrets food ration problems




The Iranian regime’s president, Hassan Rouhani, said Thursday that he regrets any troubles with the distribution of a food ration to the poor, following reports that three people have died waiting for the goods in subzero weather, Associated Press reported.

Local media have reported that the three died in recent days while standing in line in freezing temperatures, the report said.

Rouhani told state TV that he ” expresses regret if people have faced trouble in receiving the commodity basket.”

Hassan Rouhani’s program for distribution of free food baskets launched on Sunday.

In the freezing cold weather in Tehran, long lines were formed at distribution centers and some people who were successful in receiving the food basket after hours of waiting described the basket as low quality Indian rice and stinking chickens.

This month’s food basket contained 10kg of rice, 24 eggs, two frozen chickens, 800 gr of cheese and two bottles of vegetable oil.

Retired government employees and workers earning less than 200 dollars a month are eligible for the program.

According to state-run media, 87% of the retired employees and 13 million workers do not benefit from this food handout.


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