Iran: Feuding mounts within regime as Ahmadinejad warned not to corrupt election

NCRI – Iranian regime’s president Mamoud Ahmadinejad has been warned not to try to disrupt or meddle with the forthcoming election by the two powerful Larijani brothers who control parliament and the judiciary.

The blunt demand is more evidence of growing rifts between rival factions in the dictatorship.

Speaking to naval commanders, parliament speaker Ali Larijani made a clear reference to Ahmadinejad when he said ‘future elections must be carried out in the right manner’.

He hinted at recent claims the president was trying to question the legality of the ballot by adding: “These measures will only raise the hopes of the enemy.

“Creating razzmatazz at every election is against our values, and these actions will weaken our national power.”

Judiciary chief Sadeq Larijani backed his brother’s comments, and said “The law will not allow any deviance in holding the elections.”

“I hope some don’t think that they can repeat the mistake of 2009 election and turn objections towards the result of the election into illegal street protests.

“No one must imagine they can force through their own point of view or wishes through manipulation.”

The feud between the president and the two brothers escalated on February 3 when Ahmadinejad publicly accused the Larijanis of corruption in the nation’s parliament.

The remarks by the brothers also come after senior Iranian cleric Mahdi Taeb warned Ahmadinejad was plotting to be replaced by close ally – or scrap the election altogether.

Taeb told the Nasim agency the president was pushing for his chief-of-staff and in-law Esfandiari Rahim Mashaei to be nominated as a candidate ahead of the June 14 polling day.

He added: “The main aim of this devious faction is that the government does not hold the election, and their second goal is to persuade people that participating in the elections is useless.”

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