Iran: Escalation of Factional Feud at the Top of the Regime Under the Pretext of ‘Enemy Infiltration’


NCRI – On Thursday, August 10, 2017, the Iranian regime’s Attorney General warned of what he called “enemy infiltration among the forces” and urged the security forces to be vigilant about this issue.

According to the state-run IRNA news agency, Mohammad Ja’far Montazeri, announcing that “the enemy is actively planning to infiltrate the forces,” added that “this danger should be taken seriously and the authorities and security forces should be alert to prevent this.”

In another part of his speech, he claimed that “Iran’s security” in a situation where “the four sides of the country are caught by the flame of war,” is “unacceptable for the enemy” and therefore the enemy “does not hesitate to carry out any conspiracy” against the Islamic Republic.

Mohammad Ja’far Montazeri urged the “soldiers and security forces” to be “awake and alert” and should always monitor the enemy’s conspiracy against the regime.

The regime’s Attorney General has cited the issues of sanctioning Iran and the human rights records as examples of conspiracy.

Following the remarks by Ali Khamenei, the regime’s supreme leader, for decision-makers regarding the “enemy’s efforts,” his agents are warning about this issue more than ever.

“The risk of infiltration has intensified recently, and all related organs should monitor the different dimensions of this influence,” said Sadegh Larijani, head of the regime’s judiciary on June 14 this year.

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