Iran: Escalating Factional Feuds Over Rouhani’s Claims on His First Hundred-Days’ Feats

NCRI Staff

NCRI – The TV interview of Iran regime’s President Hassan Rouhani on November 28 and his claims about his first 100-day performance in his second term has faced opposition from his band as well as the rival bands.

The media affiliated to Rouhani expressed frustration over his negligence and disregard for the dire economic situation and crisis that the regime has been encountering and struggling with. The media affiliated to the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) described Rouhani’s statements as “cliché” and “claiming unrealistic achievements”.

In this interview, Rouhani confirmed that he had earlier quietly presented to the regime’s parliament the bill on the regime endorsing the anti-money laundering conventions.

The rival gang media had earlier described this bill as “selling the country” and “betrayal”, but in his interview, Hassan Rouhani emphasized on the urgent need and necessity of the regime’s signing the conventions and said:

“Now, some people think that the troubles of banks are just the JCPOA (nuclear agreement); they say, well, that’s what happened and JCPOA was implemented. The problem with the banks is not just (implementation of) JCPOA, but we need to pass many laws to resolve this problem. We recently presented two bills to the parliament, one on fighting money laundering and one on fighting against terrorism, because we want to be able to solve these problems. So our banks should be active in this regard. Transparency of the work of banks and the government’s economic sector is one of the important goals of this government, which will be applied to the banks as well.”

Rouhani also emphasized the vital need of the regime to JCPOA and to continue negotiation with Europe, and in response to the rival bands in this regard, while endorsing and complementing Ali Khamenei, the regime’s supreme leader, said that he follows these policies with the approval of Khamenei and added:

“The basis of our policy was to have a dignified, constructive engagement with the world, and well, the leadership has called for a comprehensive engagement with our friendly countries, so the basis of this policy is that we resolve our problems through negotiation, not by confrontation, so that we can secure the region.”

“Now, what is going to happen in the future after the JCPOA is very important. It is very important that the US government, after nearly a year now that this new (US) government has come to power, has been fully trying to eliminate the JCPOA but it was not able to do so until today.”

The regime’s president also pointed out the crisis the regime is undergoing and warned various government gangs about the continuation of the factional feud. He said: “Here, I want to emphasize that in the current situation, nothing is more urgent and indispensible for us than cohesion and national solidarity and unity.”

“We need to reduce our differences and put our differences aside… and I emphasize this point more than any other times because of the conditions we have in the region and in the world. Therefore, this unity and cohesion and the balance of power between our branches and our armed forces are very important to us.”

“I am trying in the twelfth government to negotiate more seriously with the other two branches. I have been negotiating with the armed forces, whether the army or Revolutionary Guards or Basij (mobilization) forces more and will be more.”

Meanwhile, Sadiq Ziba Kalam, an expert in political issues from Rouhani’s band, called the interview of the regime’s president subjective and speech therapy and said: “Rouhani spoke of an imaginary Iran in which our (system) has a good relationship with his neighbours with one or two exceptions, and that there is no economic problem, unemployment and so on in the country. However, it is unclear which strata of the society are the target and audience of this talk on the television. If his target are the critics and opponents (of the regime), no answer has been given in response to their criticisms. If Rouhani’s speech was intended towards those who voted for him, his remarks last night caused a wave of disappointment in a significant part of them,” (Arman newspaper, 8 November, 2017).

The IRGC affiliated “Javan” newspaper wrote that Rouhani’s statements about his first 100 days work was “describing the plans” and “generalization” and added: “Generalization was especially the moment when it was said the 100-day achievement of the twelfth government is in a book on the government site, and people can visit (refer to) and read it.”

The IRGC newspaper added: “Rouhani said people are not worried about economic macro-indicators. Without any reference to the role of the central bank in the incident of unauthorized financial institutions, he said that there is also a problem of depositing and one of our problems is the companies and cooperatives that encouraged people with high profits or were trying to welsh the people. In this regard, we encountered some unauthorized establishments that the sum of those who are involved in this issue (plundered) is about 3 million 400 thousand households,” (Javan newspaper, 29 November 2017).

There were also some objections to Rouhani’s report on his administration’s first 100-day work record in the open session of the parliament on Wednesday. Mojtaba Zolnouri, a member of the regime’s parliament, addressing Rouhani, said:

“You said that social damages such as divorce, addiction, unemployment, marginalization and people living in slums have had a negative growth. What plans did you implement that resulted in the negative growth? What was your argument and what caused the negative growth of social harms, the harms that cause the leader not sleep a wink at night! And today, our people are stapled and the pressure on them is so high to the point of split up and destruction of the families… This report is the report of someone who has come without experience to speak to the people.”

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