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Iran: Election turning point

By: Habib Darakhshan
The mullahs’ sham election designed by Khamenei's so-called “engineering”, was a recipe for disaster. Despite careful selection of a pro-Ahmadinejad Majlis (parliament), the internal crises of the mullahs’ regime are on the rise. Yet the mullahs' “engineered election” had no results but:

1- Removal of interior and economy ministers by Ahmadinejad even before the end of cooked elections .

2- Rising unprecedented quarrel between heads of legislative and executive powers.  Haddad Adel, the Majlis Speaker, charged Ahmadinejad with “refusal to implement the constitution”. Ahmadinejad fought back using his rhetoric in an open letter saying, “Your illegal undertakings for not having communicated with me about three laws approved by the Majlis, which surprised everyone, is a new opportunity for the ill-wishers to continue with their baseless pressures on the President. Who is responsible for the insults directed at the President and the attacks against him and how  irremediable damage and infringement which could never have been repaired and compensated?”

3- Ahmadinejad statement of great internal purging is spearheading the “influential oil and banking officials” who planning to bring him down. On the contrary the outgoing ministers in this “battle for  survival” warned against 70 billion-dollars embezzlement of oil revenues and putting the banking system in the verge of collapse by Ahmadinejad.

If the regime’s constraints and it’s confrontation with the international community and the Iranian people were sings of an  stabile government, it would have had resulted in a decreasing state of internal crises and factional feudings. But all developments are indicative of a regime in a period of decline, desertions and divisions, which reflects its final phase.
Rising “battle for survival” among feuding factions in the mullahs’ elections, is the result of two major political factors:

1- Unprecedented general election boycott of more than 95 percent of the population which indicates the Iranian people motivation for a democratic regime change in Iran.

2- Regime’s failure in its war against international community and Security Council’s third sanctions resolution followed by attempts to contain the mullahs'  medlings in Iraq reflected in the reports by the General Petraeus and ambassador Ryan Cracker in the congressional testimony  in Washington.

These are all supporting factors of the regime’s “implosion and breakup period.” Something much more evident in the mullah’s sham election and deserve to be remembered as “turning point”.