Iran: clash of the rival regime’s factions


NCRI – Following the confessions of “Saeid Mortezavi” former Tehran Attorney General to his crimes in Kahrizak, “Ali Motahhari” the Vice President of Iranian regime’s parliament has in a clear clash of the factions accused Mortezavi’s supporters including former President Ahmadinejad and asked Mortazavito make clear what his role was in the case related to the murder of Zahra Kazemi.

In an interview with state news agency “ISNA” on Wednesday September 14, Motahhari said: ”Mortezavi’s letter was overall a positive act. He has admitted his faults and it would be a good idea if he also writes a letter regarding Zahra Kazemi’s case to make it quite clear.”

Motahhari added: “I believe that guiltier than Mortazaviare those who shaped his character and those who supported him. When you give so much authority to an inexperienced youth allowing him to shut down any publication and have any kind of conduct with the accused, then he will automatically grow disobedient as this is human nature.”

Motahhari stated that wherever there’s a concentration of power without oversight while the critics are being oppressed, corruption will start to grow. He added:”Some people made use of Mortazavi as a means while trying to hide behind his back. I think they too should be investigated.”

He continued:” The problem I still can’t figure out is why Ahmadinejad as a President was supporting   Mortazavi in such a strange way. Ahmadinejad supported Mortazavi so much that he let his Minister of Labor be sacked because of Ahmadinejad’s support from Mortezavi. I mean, the main reason for impeachment of the Labor Minister in the tenth government was his failure to remove Mortazavi from the Presidency of the Social Security while the Minister should have legally dismissed Mortezavi, especially according to a verdict by the administrative court.”

Motaharri said in the end: ”In any case, this is a lesson to be learned so that in the future we prevent so much authority to be given to one person only to bring misery to himself and other people and lead to social harm.”  


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