Iran: Basra Governor calls for expulsion of the Iran’s regime consul

NCRI – Mohammed al-Waeli, Basra's governor called on the Iraqi government to expel the Iran's regime consul in that city and shutdown the office altogether, reported al-Rafidain television station on Friday.

"The Iranian consul considers himself as the sole ruler of Basra," said Mr. Waeli. In a letter to Hoshyar Zebari, Iraq's foreign minister Waeli wrote, "Iranian consul walks on the streets of Basra and chats with citizens to campaign for certain parties in upcoming city and province councils' elections."
"A member of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council (SIIC) takes the Iranian consul with him to campaign for the supporters of Tehran's regime in Basra," added the governor.
He added in his letter that "Iran's consul behavior superposes the known diplomatic protocols."

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