Iran: Ahmadinejad’s Remarks and Escalation of Factional Feud


NCRI – Amid continued clashes between the regime’s rival bands and on the eve of the presidential elections, the Iranian regime’s attorney general has implicitly responded to Ahmadinejad’s speech in Ahwaz, vowing that the time will come to deal with such remarks and that “we need to allow this boil to come to a head before dealing with it.”

Speaking in Yazd on Wednesday April 12, regime’s attorney general ‘Mohammad-Jafar Montazeri’ said that “sometimes we’re told about someone who’s made some remarks in Khuzestan, and some other remarks somewhere else. Our response is that their turn will come and we need to allow this boil to come to a head before dealing with it”, according to regime’s public broadcasting ‘Seda-va-Sima’ news agency.

The word ‘boil’ refers to accumulation of pus at some point on the surface of the skin. In political terms, however, a popped boil refers to an unfortunate event that needs to be addressed.

By referring to a political figure in Khuzestan, the attorney general could have hinted at Ahmadinejad’s speech in Ahwaz, which was followed by protests and criticisms over the past few weeks.

In his speech on March 22, 2017, Ahmadinejad said “those who think the people are stupid, are themselves the most stupid people on earth. What’s this monarch-oriented attitude grown inside the minds of some officials?”

While some close to Ahmadinejad say that his remarks have targeted Hassan Rouhani, some hardliners like Mohsen Razaee, however, believe that he has actually addressed Khamenei.

Following the comments, Ahmadinejad refused to give a direct response to a question on the different impressions of his recent speech, asked by Spain’s EFE correspondent.

Ahmadinejad’s candidacy, despite being instructed by Khamenei to remain out of the Presidential race, has been faced with criticisms by hardliners, who are hinting at his possible disqualification.

Menawhile, Abdolreza Davari, close to Ahmadinejad, has announced that disqualifying Ahmadinejad is only possible through leader’s decree.

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