Iran: Ahmadinejad allies arrested by regime agents – Reports

NCRI – Allies of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have been arrested by regime security forces over recent days, a website affiliated to the Iranian regime’s president has reported.

The swoops on the homes of clerics and supporters of Ahmadinejad were made with ‘no logic or justification’ the website said.

It is the latest evidence of the deepening rift between Ahmadinejad and the ruling elite close to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei – who has branded Ahmadinejad a ‘deviant.

The website said: “Some people, apparently security agents whose identities are not clear, raided the houses of some well-known clerics and individuals supporting the government of Ahmadinejad and have arrested them to intimidate them.

“The wave of arrests of supporters of Ahmadinejad without any logic or justification has been launched in a number of provinces in Iran.”

One cleric who supports Ahmadinejad had been summoned to the special clergy court, the website added.

The reports of arrests follows Ahmadinejad’s security agents storming the Information Technology Research Center (ITRC) in Tehran on Sunday, after five websites affiliated to his favorite candidate in upcoming sham election were filtered.

Agents ordered the centre’s staff to leave, sealed the entrances and took control of the building, according to reports. The Information Technology Center was established on the orders of Ali Khamenei by the Supreme Council of Cyber Space.

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