International condemnation of regime’s suppression of protests mounts

NCRI – Several senior officials from Germany, Italy, Canada and the United States have strongly denounced the Iranian regime’s brutal suppression of protests on Monday, adding to the number of already considerable condemnations.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she “is particularly distressed to see the harsh measures taken again in Iran to prevent people expressing their opinions in the form of peaceful protests,” according to a spokesman.


Spokesman Steffen Seibert told the press in Berlin on Wednesday that the Iranian regime’s attempts to suppress the Iranian people using violence and intimidation is “completely unacceptable” for Germany.

According to AFP, Ms. Merkel assured the courageous Iranian women and men who protested in the streets that their voices for freedom and human rights are being heard in Germany and Europe.

Also at a session at the Italian Parliament this week, the Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said, “It is important that I reiterate in Parliament that Italy is supporting the legitimate demands of the Iranian people who are peacefully pursuing respect for their basic rights.”

In Canada, Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon on Tuesday condemned the regime’s “hypocrisy” for suppressing anti-regime protests while ostensibly supporting Egyptian protests, according to AFP.

“Canada is deeply concerned by the violence perpetrated by Iranian authorities against peaceful protestors in Tehran,” Cannon said in a statement.

“The hypocrisy of Iranian authorities’ calls for democracy in Egypt and suppression of the same demands in Iran is deeply disturbing,” he added.

In the US, Senator John McCain called for regime change in Iran and said the regime is “oppressive” and “brutal,” according to the Voice of America’s Persian News Network on Wednesday.

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