Grand Iraqi religious leader criticizes UN role in Iraq, Martin Kobler’s remarks

NCRI – In a meeting with Martin Kobler, the Special Representative of UN Secretary General for Iraq, a grand Iraqi religious criticized the UN for its silence with regards to the repression and injustice imposed on the  people of Iraq by the Government of  Nouri al-Mailik and the envoy’s remarks on the demand of Iraqi protesters.

The al-Shrqiya TV reported on Tuesday (January 22, 2013) that Sheikh Abdul-Malik al-Saadi who received Martin Kobler in Amman, Jordan, said: “It is not hidden to anyone about what is going on in Iraq today. The current Iraqi government is a puppet of Iranian regime  and acts based on the desires of  the Iranian regime  and it is implementing that regime’s plans in Iraq… the US has presented Iraq in a silver plate to Iran. The same Iran that has instigated divisions in Iraq by a sectarian rule.”

“We are discontented with the UN for its silence on all these repression and injustice that is done to the people of Iraq and we hold the United Nations responsible,” the Iraqi leader said.

Al-Saadi told Marin Kobler that “the only solution” for calming the people” is “the practical fulfillment of people’s demands under the international supervision.”

He emphasized that: “Not me or anyone else could calm the people without satisfying their demands.”

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