Giuliani: Regime Change in Iran Will Come Sooner Than We Think


By Staff Writer

Former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani attended the Iran Freedom Convention for Democracy and Human Rights on Saturday, May 5, to advocate for regime change in Iran, brought by and for the people of Iran and the organised resistance forces.

Giuliani explained to the crowd that wanting freedom for the people of Iran was not a partisan issue, noting that people of all political parties were in attendance at the convention.

Freedom, one of America’s most beloved values, is lacking in life under the Iranian Regime, but the Iranian people are desperate for it. Giuliani explained that this has been clear among the Iranian Resistance since the first Free Iran Grand Gathering in Paris and is clear still today among the exiled members of Iranian Resistance group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), who was moved to safety in Albania in 2016.

Giuliani said that now that these MEK members were able to live freely in Albania, they were speeding up the process to bring freedom to Iran, something that he prays for.

He said: “I hope and I pray that it happens because freedom for any oppressed people helps all of us… there’s nothing that’s more important than bringing freedom and liberating good people like the people of Iran.”

Giuliani reminded the convention of the huge protests that were seen in Iran in December of last year. They began because of economic worries in Mashad, but soon they spread across 142 cities and became an overall anti-regime uprising.
He credited Donald Trump and the rest of the administration for standing strong with the protesters, publicly supporting their fight for freedom, and warning the Regime against a crackdown. This he compared to Ronald Reagan’s support for the Solidarity Movement behind the Iron Curtain that brought the Soviet Union down.

Giuliani said: “We got a president who’s tough, a president who doesn’t listen to the people who are naysayers and a president that is as committed to regime change as we are.”

He then noted that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and the national security adviser John Bolton, now in the cabinet, Trump seems more likely to pull out of the nuclear deal and increase sanctions on the Regime.

The lifting of sanctions has not, as promised, helped the Iranian people, but instead allowed the Iranian Regime to bolster its military and support terrorist cells. Increased sanctions would declaw the Regime and make them more susceptible to protests by the people.

Giuliani said: “The only people getting wealthy in Iran are the mullahs and Rouhani and Khomeini and all the people who cooperate with them. Everybody else is poor now. People who used to be middle-class and wealthy are now poor. And you think they’re going to take that from much longer?.. So my guess is this is gonna happen faster than people think.”

Then Giuliani spoke about the clear alternative to the Regime; the Iranian Resistance. Too often in countries where the Regimes are corrupt, there is no alternative government and the revolution fails.

Here, we have the National Council of Resistance of Iran (a coalition of pro-democracy groups) and its President Maryam Rajavi, who serve as the government in exile.

They even have a ten-point-plan for a Free Iran, which includes commitments to a non-nuclear Iran, the rule of law, democracy and free and fair elections, and the rights of women.

Giuliani made clear that this is an Iran worth fighting for and an Iran that he is willing to fight for.

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