Germany backs Iranian nuclear weapons warning

Berlin (dpa) – Germany is working closely with France and its other allies to avert the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran, a German government spokesman said Monday.

The French government was correct in its assessment that "there are all the elements of a very serious obligation on the international community and that we must do everything possible to ensure that Iran does not become nuclear armed," government spokesman Ulrich Wilhelm said in Berlin.

Wilhelm was responding to journalists’ questions regarding a statement from French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner suggesting that there could be war over Iran’s nuclear programme.
Interviewed on French television about Iran late Sunday, Kouchner said, "We must prepare for the worst." Asked what the worst was, he replied, "It is war."
Kouchner said there was "no greater crisis today" than that over Teheran’s developing nuclear programme.
"We will not accept that this (nuclear) bomb will be built," he declared, for this would represent "a real danger for the entire world.

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