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GCC chief condemns Iranian regime official ‘defamatory’ remarks


Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) strongly condemned Sunday defamatory remarks by an official of the Iranian regime on the late Saudi king, saying that it was “irresponsible.”

Abdul Lateef Al Zayani said in a press release: “Such Iranian official stances lead only isolate Iran from the GCC member countries farther and farther.”

“It’s totally unacceptable to defame a great icon of the Arab and Muslim nations who dedicated his live to serving the fair Arab, Muslim and humanitarian causes.”

“Jannati’s irresponsible and hostile comments can by no means mar the late king’s honorable history and countless contributions to Arab and Muslim nations.”

Chairman of the Iranian Guardian Council Ahmad Jannati made comments against late Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz during the Tehran’s Friday Prayer’s sermon.

Ahmad Jannati stated that all Muslims must be congratulated for the death of King Abdullah.

Dr. Al-Zayani, in the meantime, urged the Iranian regime officials to show more respect for the principles of neighborliness and non-interference of the domestic affairs of other countries, and put an end to such irresponsible slanderous remarks.

United Arab Emirates also has blasted the Iranian regime over the ‘sectarian’ comments made by Ahmad Jannati. He said the comment ‘targets’ all Arab countries and ‘compounds Iran’s relations with’ them.

Dr. Anwar Mohammad Gargash, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, said that Jannati’s ‘attack’ on ‘King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz and on his life has sectarian overtones.’

“It targets all of us and compounds Iran’s relations with Arab countries,” the minister posted on his Twitter account.

Dr. Gargash said that mosques should not be used to target the dead.

“Mosque tribunes must not be used to spread sectarian ideologies, disrespect the dead, and interfere in the domestic affairs of others. If you cannot say a proper thing, then you should lapse into silence. King Abdullah is the pride of the Arabs,” he said.