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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranFriday's Iran Mini Report - November 30, 2018

Friday’s Iran Mini Report – November 30, 2018

Friday's Iran Mini Report - November 30, 2018

• Iran: 26th day of protests by workers of major sugarcane mill

SHUSH, Southwest Iran. The 26th day of strike by the workers of Haft Tappeh sugarcane mill was held in front of the governorate, the workers were chanting: Imprisoned Worker Must Be Freed.

The regime’s security agents have arrested Mr. Ali Nejati the former head of the workers union on Thursday morning and transferred him to an unknown place while he is suffering heart problem.

The Iranian Resistance called on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the International Labor Organization, trade unions and labor unions all over the world to take urgent action to free Ali Nejati and other detained workers and to support striking workers.

• Pentagon Contractor Charged with Illegal Iran Trade, Fraud

WASHINGTON—Three former executives linked to one of the largest U.S. wartime contractors were charged on Thursday with a scheme to defraud the Pentagon and engage in illicit trade with Iran, according to an indictment unsealed Thursday.Anham FZCO’s former chief executive, Abul Huda Farouki, was among those charged in connection with an $8.1 billion U.S. military supply contract to supply food and water to troops in Afghanistan.

• Iran using teams of hit squads to silence critics of its attempts to meddle in Iraqi politics, officials say

Iran is using teams of hit squads in Iraq to silence critics of Iranian attempts to meddle in Iraq’s new government, according to British security officials.

The hit squads are said to have been deployed on the orders of Qassem Suleimani, the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards’ elite Quds Force, with the aim of intimidating Iraqi opponents of Iranian interference in Iraqi politics.

• U.S. Accuses Iran of Violating UN Arms Export Ban, Says Iranian Threat Growing

The U.S. has accused Iran of stepping up violations of a UN ban on arms exports by increasingly supplying weapons to militant groups across the Middle East and continuing its missile program.

In a November 29 presentation at a military base in Washington, Brian Hook, the U.S. special representative for Iran showed reporters weapons and fragments of weapons seized in Afghanistan, Bahrain, and Yemen that it said are evidence Iran is a “grave and escalating threat” that must be stopped.

“The Iranian threat is growing, and we are accumulating risk of escalation in the region if we fail to act,” Hook told reporters.

Hook displayed rockets, missiles, small arms and debris from an Iranian drone that he says were intended for Huthi rebels in Yemen, Shi’ite militants in Bahrain, and the Taliban in Afghanistan.

• pro-Iranian militia sites in Syria were reportedly stroke

A number of pro-Iranian militia bases and Iranian weapons caches in southern Syria were targeted by Israeli airstrikes on Thursday night, according to the Al-Arabiya news site.

Explosions were also reported in and around the Syrian capital of Damascus, near its international airport, which Israel claims has been used by Iran to supply terror groups with advanced weaponry.

According to the Kremlin-backed Sputnik new site, blasts were also heard near the town of al-Dimas, along the Damascus-Beirut highway, which may indicate that an arms shipment was targeted in the alleged Israeli strikes.

• United Nations wants Syria to account for war dead, detainees

The UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria urged the Security Council on Wednesday to press the Syrian government to provide information to families about the fate of those missing or detained during the seven-year war.

Following a closed-door informal meeting with council members, the commission chairman said it was crucial to push the government to give a full account after it began in May to release death notifications.

“The issues of the detainees and the disappeared should not be dealt after peace, but now is the time to consider this,” said Paulo Pinheiro, who heads the commission set up to investigate human rights violations in the war.

• UN experts call on Iran to release women’s rights protesters

A group of UN human rights experts on Thursday criticized the actions of the Iranian government in jailing human rights defenders and lawyers.

“We urge the Government to immediately release all those who have been imprisoned for promoting and protecting the rights of women.”

The experts called for the government of Iran to guarantee the rights of those imprisoned, not to arbitrarily deprive them of their liberty, and to guarantee rights to fair proceedings before an independent and impartial tribunal.

• Asia’s Iran Oil Imports Plunge To 5-Year Low In Oct | Reuters
Imports of Iranian crude oil by major buyers in Asia hit a five-year low in October, as China, Japan and South Korea sharply cut purchases ahead of U.S. sanctions on Tehran that took effect in early November, government and ship-tracking data showed. China, India, Japan and South Korea last month imported about 762,000 barrels per day (bpd) from Iran, according to the data, down 56.4 percent from a year earlier.