Friday’s Iran Mini Report – June 22, 2018

Friday's Iran Mini Report - June 22, 2018

• Iranian Charged with Plot to Smuggle Material from Illinois

A federal indictment accuses a 56-year-old Iranian businessman of trying to smuggle materials used in the missile industry and restricted under nuclear-nonproliferation rules from Illinois to Iran.

Federal prosecutors said Thursday that Saeed Valadbaigi plotted in 2011 to illegally export aluminum tubing used in both the missile and the aerospace industries from Illinois to Iran by way of Belgium and Malaysia.

Charges against Valadbaigi include wire fraud and attempting to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.

• Iranian Lawyer Arrested For Claiming Executed Sufi Man’s Innocence

Iranian authorities have arrested a lawyer for spreading “lies” after claiming that a Sufi man executed this week was wrongfully convicted of killing three police officers, local media report.

The semiofficial Fars news agency said on June 20 that an arrest warrant was issued against Zeinab Taheri for making “false statements” and because of “her lies propagated online claiming [Mohammad Salas] was not guilty.”

• German Intelligence Chief Warns of Cyberattacks by Iran, Russia And China

Germany has voiced concern about increasing cyberattacks from Iran, Russia and China.

The head of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency Bfv, Hans-Georg Maassen told the reporting network Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland that the “quantity and quality of cyber campaigns staged by foreign intelligence services has been on the rise” this year.

Maassen warned that the intelligence services of Iran, Russia and China might be involved in the new wave of attacks against Germany.

• Fate of Political prisoner Arzhang Davoudi in limbo

June 21, 2018 – Nearly three months after the last message from political prisoner Arzhang Davoudi there is no information about his current whereabouts.

The family of this political prisoner has been threatened and remains under pressure. It is only known that Davoudi is under pressure and torture, and currently held in the quarantined section of Zahedan Central Prison in southeast Iran.

• Four women committed suicide in Iran

Four women committed suicide in the cities ofTehran, Shiraz, Rafsanjan, and Ahwaz in recent days.

On the morning of Thursday, June 21, 2018, Saeed Gholampour, one of the Judiciary officials in Fars Province, announced at a news conference that a sixth grader girl had recently taken her own life by hanging herself.

In other news, the passengers at a metro station in Tehran reported that a young woman had thrown herself in front of a train on Wednesday, June 20, 2018, and lost her life.

Other reports indicate that a 14-year-old teenage girl committed suicide on Monday, June 18, in Rafsanjan, one of the cities of Kerman Province in southern Iran.

On Sunday night, June 17, 2018, a 35-year-old woman hanged herself and died at her home in Dadshahr district of Ahwaz, capital of the oil-rich province of Khuzistan in southwestern Iran.

• Fifth Day of Student Protests at Tehran University Against Heavy Sentences For Detained Students In Iran

On Thursday, June 21, 2018, the student protests at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Tehran University entered its fifth day, against the heavy sentences issued by the Iranian judiciary against detained students at the faculty.

Students had threatened that if Mansur Gholami, the Minister of Science and Education of Iran, does not come to the faculty for explanations, they would cancel the exam and will not attend the sessions.

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