Friday’s Iran Mini Report – April. 27, 2018


· Thousands demonstrate in south-western Iran

April 27, 2018 – Thousands of people and residents of the city of Kazeroon, in Fars Province, south-western Iran, gathered on Friday, April 27, in the city’s main square to have a demonstration against the Iranian regime’s policies.

After reaching the main mosque in the city, the protesters started to voice their opposition by chanting anti-regime slogans.

The widespread presence of women in the demonstrations and marches today was dramatic.

·IRGC Commander Threatens the West with Restarting Nuclear Program

Addressing a session attended by a group of judicial authorities, IRGC Brigadier General Hossein Salami said April 26 that “government officials should be more authoritative” in their comments on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and “wipe out the conception that regardless of Washington’s decision on JCPOA, Iran will remain loyal to it,” according to a report in the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).

· Day-13 of shop owners’ Strike in Iranian Kurdistan continue

Iran, April 27, 2018 – The strike by shop owners in the city of Baneh, western Iran, entered its 13th day. The strike was called to protest against closing down the borders and increasing the tarrifs by the regime which have resulted in widespread poverty and starvation among the population.

· Residents of Gorgan, protest against the destruction of one of their holy site

A group of residents of Gorgan, northern Iran, gathered at a holy site named “Emamzadeh Abdallah”, to protest against vendalizing gravestones at this site. The Iranian regime started to distroy this cemetary with the pretext of leveling the ground, without any prior notice to the residents.

And in another news, a group of investors plundered by the Caspian financial institution in Kerman, south-eastern Iran, gathered in protest.

In the city of Ahvaz, south-western Iran, looted investors of Arman Vahdat Investments gathered in protest.

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