Friday’s Iran Mini Report – April. 20, 2018


• Fifth Day of Labor Protests at Municipality of Dezful, Southern Iran

The workers of the municipality of Dezful, protested on Thursday, April 19th, for the fifth day in front of the municipality and governorate of this city.

According to reports, about 100 Dezful municipality workers, with more than 10 years of work experience, have not received their salaries since December 2017.

• Retirees Demand Payment Of Pensions And Delayed Salaries

On Thursday, April 19th, a number of retirees from the Rangin Nakh Semnan Company gathered in protest to the non-payment of their salaries in front of the Governorate of Semnan, Iran.

The Rangin Nakh Semnan Company produces different kinds of cotton and synthetic yarns, but the factory stopped production in 2013 with about 180 workers, of which 50 were on the brink of retirement. The wage arrears of these workers have not been paid since the factory’s closure.

• KAZEROON: Grand protest gathering of Furious people and disrupting Friday prayer cermon

Friday, Apr. 20, 2018.Thousands of people from Kazeroon staged protest rallies for the fifth consecutive day, people also gathered in the city’s grand mosque and protested against the regime’s plan do divide the city.

The angry protesters disrupted mullahs’ sermon with chants of “Dread the day we take up arms!”

“Our enemy is right here. They’re lying when they say it’s America”.”our state broadcaster is a disgrace”.

• Video of Iran ‘morality police’ beating woman sparks outrage

Shocking video footage of a young woman being beaten to the floor by Iranian “morality police” because her hijab was loose has sparked outrage after it was posted online.

The footage shows members of the special taskforce tackling the woman, believed to be in her mid-20s, in Tehran.

• Women actively take part in fourth day of protests in Kazeroun

Thursday, April 19, 2018, thousands of protesters including a large number of women braved heavy security forces presence and anti-riot units and marched in the main square of Kazeroun in Southern Fars province of Iran. They chanted, “We are fighting women and men, we fight against segregation.”

• Protests Spread in Iran’s Kurdish Areas over Border Shutdown

Kurds in northwestern Iran have gone on strike for a fifth day to protest Tehran’s extended closure of border crossings that they rely upon for vital trade with northern Iraq’s Kurdistan region.

Kurdish news sites said the protests have spread to at least seven towns since they began Sunday. Those towns include Baneh, Javanrud, Mahabad, Marivan, Piranshahr, Saqqez and Sardasht.

• Jailed Yarsan woman needs urgent medical treatment

Shokoufeh Yadollahi, a Yarsan woman imprisoned in the notorious Qarchak Prison of Varamin needs urgent medical care and treatment.

Ms. Yadollahi was badly brutalized during arrest and subsequently under torture as a result of which she has lost her sense of smell.

• Mullahs rig the price of moolah in Iran

For the second time in as many months, Iran’s “dollar patrol” is on the streets. The country’s currency, the rial, has lost a third of its value on the black market since September. On April 9th it sank to a record low of 61,000 to the dollar (when the official rate was 37,850). The next day the government imposed a rate of 42,000 and vowed to arrest anyone who bought or sold rials for what they are actually worth—as it did during the previous currency crisis, which was only in February.

• Iran Lawmakers Want Central Banker Fired Amid Currency Chaos

Half of Iranian regime’s lawmakers have written to President Hassan Rouhani demanding the removal of the central bank chief, accusing him of mismanaging the banking industry and currency markets as the rial weakened to a record low.

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