Saturday’s Iran Mini Report – Apr. 07, 2018


• An Iranian economist and researcher announced, “One-third of the population in Iran are in absolute poverty.”

Apr. 7. In an interview with Iran’s state news agency (ISNA) Hossein Raghfarikh, economists, said: According to official standards the “absolute poverty line” for a four-person urban household, is about $ 800, and on this basis, 33 percent of the population of the country suffers from “absolute poverty” and Six percent are under the “line of starvation”.

• The bad news of Jack Straw for the Iranian regime

According to the state run Tasnim news agency on,April 7, Jack Straw former British Foreign Secretary, attending the television program “Without Borders,” said that US actions has caused an uneasy relationship with Iran and a disappointment in the development of economic relations between Iran, EU and Britain.

He further added. As far as I know, the British government has made great efforts to persuade the United States to fulfill its obligations on Iran Deal, but unfortunately, the Trump government has not been convinced.

• Iran: Isfahan farmers clash with regime security forces

April 7th. This morning, after the gathering of people and farmers in Khaju Bridge in Isfahan, they rallied in protest of the interruption of their water rights. The repressive security forces attacked the farmers to disperse them but farmers clashed with them and it is going on.

• Setting up 40 new police stations in Tehran in fear of ongoing protests

Tehran’s police chief Hossein Rahimi said Tehran needs 40 new police stations and a meeting has been held with the governorate to increase the number of stations.
According to the regime’s Security Council’s decision, 40 police stations in Tehran should be added.

• Senior Iran regime’s Mullah promised: Israel does will not exist for another 25 years

TEHRAN, Apr. 6, 2018 Ahmad Khatami, the Friday prayer leader of Tehran warned that if Israel attacked Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Tel Aviv and Haifa, they will be razed to dust. He expressed his hope, that both Israel and Saudi Arabia will be destroyed.

• Mild quake Shakes SW Iran

Tehran, April 7, an earthquake measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale shook Dehram in southwestern province of Fars Friday night.

According to a report by seismography center affiliated to Tehran University’s Geophysics Institute.

No casualties or damage to property have been reported.

Dehram is a city and center of Dehram District, in Farashband County, Fars Province.

• Female teachers stage protests in Tehran and Yazd

Women teachers and political activists staged a picket line protest on Thursday in solidarity with imprisoned teacher Mohammad Habibi. The protest was held outside the Kar-o Andisheh Professional High School in Shahriar, Tehran Province, where this political prisoner used to teach. The protesters demand Mr. Habibi’s release.

• Iraqis concerned by Iranian meddling ahead of May elections

The Iranian regime’s increased meddling in Iraq has emerged as one of the country’s most divisive issues ahead of the balloting for parliamentary elections in May. That influence has sown fear among Iraq’s disenchanted minority Sunnis, who bore the brunt of the war’s destruction, and has also caused concern in Washington, the AP reported.

• Three women commit suicide in two days

In a matter of two days, three women committed suicide in Iran. A 68-year-old woman set herself aflame in Kouy-e Naft District of Ahwaz and died on Wednesday. On Thursday, the head of the Police Station in Tehran’s Niavaran announced that a 24-year-old woman had lost her life after throwing herself off an apartment complex in Kamraniyeh. In Masjid Soleiman, a female college student hanged herself at home on Wednesday.

• German FM vows ‘considerable efforts’ to protect Iran deal

Germany’s foreign minister Heiko Maas has said his government will exert “considerable efforts” to protect the Iran nuclear deal despite Berlin’s misgivings about the Iranian regime’s ballistic missiles program and its involvement in the Syria conflict, according to the Associated Press reported. In a visit to Jordan, Heiko Maas called for a “firewall” between the nuclear deal and Tehran’s other activities.

• Iran regime reveals the roots of protests of recent days in oil rich province

Iran, April 6, 2018 – The government affiliated newspaper ‘Etemad’ described protests as being far beyond and against a TV show by the Mullahs regime. The paper wrote today: ‘Apparently the real reason for these unrest are issues such as unemployment, low living conditions, and poor distribution of goods, and many other issues that plague the people.’

It is worthy to note that demonstrations by Arab Iranians against the clerical regime, have been continuing for more than one week.

• Iran’s Non-Oil Export Revenue $6 Billion Less Than Projected

Chairman of Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization Mojtaba Khosrowtaj says Iran’s non-oil export between March 2017 and March 2018 has had a growth of 6.5 percent compared to previous year, but still non-oil export revenues lag behind the projected figure by $6 billion, reported official news agency IRNA on April 4…. The low volume of non-oil exports by Iran reflects the legacy of import substitution, a reliance on domestic markets, and the impact of sanctions. Source: Radio Farda.

• Haley: ‘The Iran Nuclear Deal Was Designed to Be Too Big to Fail’

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley slammed the Iran nuclear deal Thursday night by saying it was “designed to be too big to fail.”

Haley gave a lecture called “Confronting Today’s Global Governance Challenges” to an audience at Duke University, and she said the United States is entering a new era of leadership in dealing with Iran. She criticized the way the Obama administration negotiated the deal.

• Watchdog: Norwegian Aid Agency Penalized Over Misuse of USAID Funds

The Norwegian aid agency facing a $2 million bill for illegally accepting American taxpayer funds while working with the Iranian military and Palestinian terrorist groups. Source: Algemeiner

• Speakers of Arab Parliaments Deplore Iranian-backed Houthi Attacks on Saudi Arabia
Cairo,Apr 5, 2018, SPA — The Speakers of the Arab Parliaments condemned here today a continuation of the Iranian-backed Houthi attacks on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, warning of the plans targeting the Arab National Security through supporting terrorism and conflicts in the Arab countries.

• Iran’s Nobel Laureate Is Done With Reform. She Wants Regime Change

“Reform is useless in Iran,” Ebadi told Eli Lake in an interview Thursday. “The Iranian people are very dissatisfied with their current government. They have reached the point and realized this system is not reformable.”

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