French leader: Assad can’t be a partner against terrorism

French President Francois Hollande has warned the West against working with Syrian dictator in the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS) group, saying Bashar al-Assad was a principal ally of the group who have taken over large areas of Syria and Iraq.

In a speech on Thursday, Hollande said: “Assad cannot be a partner in the fight against terrorism.”

He rejected any co-operation with Assad, saying the situation in Syria required a “military and humanitarian” response.

France has recently admitted providing weapons to the moderate Syrian opposition, but there are reported differences between Paris and Washington on whether there should be more support in the future as efforts to fight the Islamic State in Syria increase.

Syrian opposition forces have been fighting Assad for more than three years, a war that the UN estimates to have has cost at least 190,000 lives.

Source: News agecies

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