France paid homage to 130 victims of November 13 terrorist attacks

France paid homage Friday morning to the 130 victims of the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris with a solemn ceremony at the Invalides monument in the centre of the city.

The ceremony, attended by some 2,000 people, including France’s leaders and families of those killed. Some of the injured from the attacks arrived in wheelchairs or stretchers.

Paying homage to the victims, Hollande said the country would not be cowed by the acts of terrorists. He said: “They (the terrorists) will fail. They cultivate death, but we have love for life.”

He called the violence an act of war “in the name of a mad cause and a betrayed religion.”

Hollande also said France would not seek “revenge” for the attacks. “France sticks to its principles of hope and tolerance,” he said.

People across the country displayed the French flag outside their homes to show their solidarity during the ceremony, something Hollande had earlier called upon them to do.

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