France: Iran Regime Must Not Interfere in Lebanon


NCRI Staff

NCRI – The French Foreign Ministry has stated that it is imperative to the stability of the Middle East that Iran stop interfering in the domestic affairs of Lebanon.

Agnes Romatet-Espagne, the foreign ministry spokesperson told reporters in a daily briefing on Monday: “We wish that all those who exert an influence in Lebanon allow all the political actors in this country to exercise fully their responsibilities.

She continued: “Mr Saad al-Hariri [Lebanon’s recently resigned prime minister] called on Iran yesterday to not interfere in the affairs of Lebanon and its neighbours. We believe that this is an important condition for the stability of the region.”

The foreign ministry also suggested that new sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile program could be imposed if needed, after the Iranian Regime rejected a call by French President Emmanuel Macron to start talks about the programme.

The Regime said on Sunday that their missile programme was defensive and unrelated to the 2015 nuclear agreement with six world powers, including France.

Romatet-Espagne said: “As you know, the European Union has already placed sanctions on Iranian entities involved in the ballistic program. If needed, new sanctions could be taken.”

Macron had made his comments during a trip to the United Arab Emirates last week.

This came over just a week after an Iranian-built missile was fired at Saudi Arabia by the Iranian proxy militia, the Houthis in Yemen. France, the US, and Saudi Arabia have all said that Iran was behind the attempted strike.

The White House accused Iran, on Tuesday, November 7, of also arming the Houthis with a missile that was fired at Saudi Arabia in July. Nikki Hayley, the US ambassador to the UN, called on the global body to hold the Regime accountable for violating two UN Security Council resolutions.

Saudi Arabia and its Middle Eastern allies have accused the Iranian Regime of supplying weaponry to the Houthis, noting that the terrorist group did not have access to it when the conflict started, nor do they have the ability or the space to build it now.

Later this week, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian will visit Saudi Arabia and travel to Iran at the end of the month.

Romatet-Espagne said: “The political dialogue between France and Iran is active and makes it possible to address all topics, including strategic and regional issues. Mr Le Drian will have a firm dialogue when he goes to Iran.”

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