Former IRGC commander dreads “psychological wars” against the Iranian regime

Reza SerajNCRI – A former commander of the Iranian regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) echoed growing anxiety within the regime about mounting international pressure on Tehran in the row over its nuclear program.

In an article published by the state-run Fars news agency on Wednesday, Reza Seraj said the West has launched a psychological war against the regime on three fronts, adding that the mullahs’ nuclear activities and uranium enrichment “are the topic for the first side of the psychological war triangle created by the US and its European allies.”

“The actors for implementing this aspect [of the “psychological war”] were both the Monafeqin and the IAEA director.” The pejorative term “monafeqin,” literally meaning hypocrites, is often used by regime officials to refer to the main opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

On September 9, the PMOI revealed on the basis of information obtained by its vast network inside Iran that the clerical regime is building a secret nuclear enrichment site 120 km northwest of Tehran. The press conference, which took place in Washington D.C., received extensive international press coverage.

Clearly discontented about the revelations, Seraj wrote, “After the PMOI’s fabrications, Mr. Yukiya Amano [IAEA's director-general] said during his opening remarks in front of the 35 members of the Board of Governors on September 14 that Iran has barred two international inspectors in the course of the inspection process.”

“In his report, he also mentioned the possible military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program, thus in effect fanning the flames of the psychological war over the nuclear issue,” the former IRGC commander added.

Seraj said the two other aspects of the “psychological war” against the clerical dictatorship are claims about its human rights violations and the imposition of sanctions against it, voicing worries about the mullahs’ increasing international isolation.

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