EP Vice President expresses concern about Iraqi elections

Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, Vice President of the European Parliament, President of the International Committee In Search of JusticeNCRI – In a statement published on Tuesday, Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, a Vice President of the European Parliament and a member of the EP Delegation for Relations with Iraq, expressed his concern about call by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for a vote recount.  He also commended efforts by Mr. Struan Stevenson, President of the Delegation for relations with Iraq in the European Parliament which prevented more rigging in the Iraqi election.

Below is the text of statement by Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras:

Pess release
23 March 2010

Concern about Iraqi elections

As a member of the Delegation for Relations with Iraq in the European Parliament, I want to express my concern about the news reports from Iraq that the Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki, not willing to accept defeat, has called for a recount of the votes. The election results have indicated that the secular candidate Dr Iyad Allawi has forged ahead despite many reports of fraud, ballot-rigging and intimidation to marginalize the nationalist and independent candidates.

It is interesting to note that now that the rival candidate appears to be leading, Mr Maliki has used threatening language, saying if the votes are not recounted, the country will return to violence. This is in sharp contrast to his earlier remarks when he was ahead in the vote count. Only now when he is staring potential defeat has he started claiming that cheating took place, so that he can demand a recount opening the door for eventual manipulation. The Independent High Electoral Commission in Iraq has so far refused to accept a recount. We hope the final results would be confirmed soon.
My esteemed colleague Struan Stevenson, President of the Delegation for relations with Iraq in the European Parliament, should be commended for his endeavours, which prevented more rigging in the election. He collected many documents as many prominent Iraqi political figures and parties provided him with scores of reports of fraud. Hundreds of Iraqi citizens sent emails to him giving details of vote rigging.  He spoke with many Iraqi politicians before and after the election, whom I have come to know in the European Parliament and also during my last trip to Iraq in October 2008 when I headed a delegation of several senior MEPs from different political groups. I have every confidence in their reports and testimonies.

The courageous initiative of Mr Stevenson prevented more fraud and contributed to the democratic process in Iraq. Nevertheless, he became the target of a massive propaganda campaign by the pro Iran/Maliki lobbies inside and outside Iraq, who denied any fraud in the election. We were quite pleased that his first report (some 40 pages) on allegations of fraud will be sent to the Independent High Electoral Commission in Iraq and to relevant EU leaders as it was agreed unanimously by our Delegation. His tireless efforts have been warmly appreciated by many Iraqis who have expressed sympathy and support for his work in the “Iraq Delegation”. This has also promoted the credibility and standing of our Parliament in Iraq and in the Arab world.

Alejo Vidal-Quadras
Vice President of the European Parliament


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