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EDITORIAL: Rouhani in New York, Iran’s Regime Increasingly Isolated and at a Deadly Impasse


After carrying out an act of war by attacking Saudi Arabia’s oil installations, the Iranian regime’s president, Hassan Rouhani, went to New York with a ridiculous “Hormuz Peace Plan,” hoping he could extract more concessions from the other side.

The Iranian regime thought that it could blackmail the international community with 2/2 pic.twitter.com/lquaJY7DFq

— Len Khodorkovsky (@MessageFromLen) September 26, 2019

In his speech at the General Assembly on September 24, U.S. President Donald Trump drew a distinction between the Iranian people and the mullahs’ regime, stating: “Iran’s citizens deserve a government that cares about reducing poverty, ending corruption, and increasing jobs — not stealing their money to fund a massacre abroad and at home.” Describing the mullahs’ regime as the world’s number one state sponsor of terrorism, he stated: “As long as Iran’s menacing behavior continues, sanctions will not be lifted; they will be tightened. In response to Iran’s recent attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities, we just imposed the highest level of sanctions on Iran’s central bank and sovereign wealth fund.”

Importantly, after the General Assembly, the EU sent a message to the Iranian regime that if it does not stop breaching its commitments under the terms of the JCPOA by next month, the EU would also withdraw from the accord, which would spell the end of the JCPOA.

In New York, the mullahs’ regime was seen to be more than ever isolated, and Rouhani came back empty-handed. His trip showed ever more clearly the impasse facing the mullahs. The regime is unable to abide by international norms and stop its nuclear and missile projects and its warmongering in the region because that would lead to its internal collapse. Yet, it is also unable to withstand an explosive society, increased international sanctions and an organized Resistance. This is a deadly impasse that the regime is unable to escape.