Deputy Speaker of the Iran Regime’s Parliament: ‘Fire at Will’ Goes Both Ways


NCRI – Along with the escalation of factional infightings among various regime’s factions, over recent Khamenei’s order to regime’s agents about “fire at will”, Iran’s regime deputy parliament speaker in response to this order said: ‘the fire at will is bilateral”, for example, if freedom of speech is disregarded, here are students, and also other people, who will dispose fire, and the same will be for whatsoever reason, when the authorities have not fulfilled their duties.

Ali Motahari, from Rouhani’s faction, stating that the words “fire at will’s authorization” covers all areas ranging from cultural, political to social and economic, stressed that this fire goes both ways.
Khamenei, in a speech among a number of so called Cyber Army officers, said: “In the war also, if some interference happens in headquarter, when firepower is not available. In such situation, where we have so many important cultural issues in the country, and when there are so much disorders in the command center, then, here you have the authority of fire at will”.

Javan, a state run newspaper in an article titled “How we ended up to fire at will?” While attacking Rouhani and his faction, using language of threat wrote: “You do not like power of fire at will? The solution is simple: Do not be impaired; fulfill your obligations so fire at will, does not come on board”.

A media affiliated to Khamenei’s faction in describing “fire at will” wrote: The first meaning of such order is that imposing regime’s cultural institutions are inefficient. The order of “fire disposal at our own will” is that, Khamenei trusts action of a new obedient student more than very seasoned officials.

This state affiliated media added: This is the highest price that (Khamenei) is paying for. If, those who, have gotten the permission not to use this historic opportunity, they have not compensated the excessive and heavy cost paid by the leadership, and also have burned both a historic opportunity and lost the future.

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