Democrats Introduce Bill to Extend Notifications on Iran Regime Missile Tests


NCRI – Two Democratic members of the House of Representatives have introduced a bill that will extend current laws for the White House notifying Congress about missile launches by the Iranian Regime until 2022.

Currently, the White House must notify Congress within 48 hours every time that the Iranian Regime conducts a ballistic missile launch.

This requirement expires in 2019, but Ruben Kihuen (D-Nev.) and Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) are concerned enough to begin introducing amendments now.

When introducing his bill, Kihuen said: “Despite condemnation from Congress, the administration and the U.N. Security Council, Iran has continued to expand its ballistic missile program, posing a threat to our national security and that of one of our closest [allies] in the region, Israel.”

Many members of Congress are also concerned that the Trump administration has yet to reveal their national security procedure and Kihuen and Moulton believe that this bill makes some provisions for national security for the last two years of Trump’s term and beyond.

Moulton said: “As this provision expires at the end of 2019, Rep. Kihuen’s bipartisan bill provides a necessary extension of this requirement at a time when the new administration has yet to release their national security strategy as required by law.”

Kihuen said: “Our legislation will help ensure a long-term strategy and aid in deterring Iran’s ballistic missile program and simply extends an existing requirement that the president notify Congress on Iranian ballistic missile launches or tests until December 2022.”

Pete Kasperowicz wrote on the Washington Examiner: “Members of both parties say those tests are a possible violation of the language related to the Iran nuclear agreement and something that Congress needs to know about as they happen.”
The bill is co-signed by several other Democrats and two Republicans Doug Lamborn (Col.) and Randy Weber (Tex.).

So far this year, the Iranian Regime has launched several ballistic missile tests, in violation of UN resolutions, and continued work on its nuclear programme, in violation of the 2015 nuclear deal.

Kasperowicz wrote: “The Trump administration so far has indicated it will let the agreement stand, although Trump warned as a candidate that he may choose to push Iran hard to implement the agreement strictly. Iran’s missile tests could be the issue that eventually tests that pledge, especially if they continue.”

He continued: “In the meantime, Congress, which historically has been quick to act to sanction Iran or hold votes to express its displeasure with Iran, wants to know everything the Trump administration knows.”

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