‘Death to America’ songs unveiled in Iran

Iranian regime has unveiled two new “Death to America” songs at the former U.S. Embassy in Tehran on the eve of anniversary of the U.S. Embassy takeover in 1979.

The songs were performed on Saturday ahead of a planned massive protest Monday to mark the anniversary. 

Two thirds of member of the Iranian regime’s Parliament have said they plan to attend the event held in front of the “Den of Spies” – the US compound turned into a museum.

The “Death to America” slogan is “the manifestation of our nation’s determination and resistance against the dominance of oppressive and untrustworthy America”, the Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) said on Saturday.

IRGC said in a statement that the current row between Europe and Washington over alleged US spying on its allies was proof that Washington cannot be trusted.
Talking to a group of students, the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said on Sunday that he is not optimistic about the ongoing nuclear talks with the major powers.

“As I have said earlier in the city of Mashhad , I am not optimistic about the nuclear talks,” said Khamenei, adding that “But, with God’s help, we will not suffer loss in the negotiations and this is an experience which will enhance the mental capacity of our nation.”

He was quoted as saying by the official IRNA news agency that “If the negotiations bear fruits, so much the better. But, if there is no result, it means that the country should rely on itself.”

The Supreme Leader of the mullahs’ regime reiterated earlier position and referred to the United States, as “enemy” and that it “cannot be trusted.”

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