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Conference Held in Italian Parliament: The Need for a Decisive Policy Against Mullahs’ Dictatorship in Iran


NCRI – Presided over by former Italian FM Giulio Terzi and with participation of a number of Italian senators and MPs, a press conference was held in Italian Parliament on May 22, 2017, during which the participants reviewed the consequences of Iranian regime’s presidential election show and stressed on adopting a decisive policy against the regime for its wave of executions and terrorist interventions in the region.

The participants also rejected the ‘moderation mirage’ under religious fascism ruling Iran, saying that all regime leaders and officials agree on regime’s continued policy of repression, execution, and intervention in regional countries, and that both bands within the regime were involved in the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners, which is considered a crime against humanity.

Correspondents from different Italian media also attended the conference held in Italian Parliament in Rome. Conference speakers, in addition to Giulio Terzi, were as follows:

Lucio Malan, Senator, Secretary of the Italian Senate

Daniele Capezzone, Italian MP

Elisabetta Zamparutti, of ‘Don’t Touch Cain Community’

Dr. Faisal Mahmoud, of ‘Democratic Syrian Community’


In the beginning of the session, former Italian FM Giulio Tertzi said that Iranian regime’s recent presidential election is on one hand an extension of the current situation, but on the other hand it has led to drastic changes in Iran with too negative consequences for the Middle East, and Iranian people in particular.

“It’s negative effect on democracy, human rights, and gender equality was clearly seen”, added Terzi, “physical elimination of opponents, particularly PMOI members, has been systematically going on by the ruling regime, particularly in 1988 in which regime leaders decided in a short time to move ahead with Khomeini’s order to mass execute political prisoners who were not going to compromise on their beliefs with the regime, a tragedy as well as crime against humanity in which Raisi, who was running for regime’s president, was involved. Moreover, some members of Rouhani’s government, including his Justice Minister ‘Pourmohammadi’, were also involved in the crime.”

Former Italian PM emphasized that “the reason I’m pointing to the tragedy 29 years ago is that the same process has been going on under four years of Rouhani’s presidency, with more than 3000 executions during the time.”

Terzi then pointed to Mullahs regime’s expansionist policy in the region, saying “Italy, who is intending to do business with Iran, should open its eyes to Iranian regime’s expansionist policy and the risks it entails. Iran under Mullahs’ regime cannot play a role in the Middle East’s stability. As it was seen during Trump’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia as well as in the Arab Islamic summit, the rules of the game are now changed and this must seriously affect Europe and Italy’s viewpoints.”

The next speaker was Italian MP ‘Daniele Cappezzone’, who emphasized that the Mullahs’ regime have no respect for any kind of freedom for people and that the regime in its entirety is united in repression and killing people, disrupting peace, destabilizing the region, and pursuing its nuclear and missile program.

Lucio Malan, Italian senator and Secretary of the Italian Senate, was the next speaker in the press conference. He said “there’s a religious regime in Iran and if you take a look at the regime’s constitution, you could clearly see that the regime leader has the upper hand in all political issues no matter what. So, speaking of election under the Iranian regime will be a fatal mistake.”

“More than 3000 prisoners were executed during the so-called moderate presidency of Rouhani”, added Malan, “Meanwhile, Rouhani’s Defense Minister Dehghan brags about how in Rouhani’s government the military spending has doubled and might even quadruple by 2018. Is this a sign of moderation? This is despite the fact that people get poorer and their living conditions deteriorate every day.”

Elisabetta Zamparutti of ‘Don’t Touch Cain Community’ was the next speaker of the press conference in Italian Parliament. Pointing to Iranian regime’s election show, Zamparutti said “speaking of moderate and conservative factions in Iran is a shame. Rouhani and Raisi are two sides of the same coin called ‘vali-e faqih’, since he is the one who calls the shots in all issues. The president in Iran is not elected by people’s vote, but it’s the balance of power within the regime that determines who’s going to be the president. If a real free election is held, the Mullahs will no doubt be the losers.”

“As for regime’s legitimacy”, she added,” it would suffice if we pay attention to Rouhani’s own remarks, in which he said that Iranian people don’t want those who over the past 38 years have only been involved in executing people and putting them behind bars. So, according to Rouhani, this regime is ruling on repression and execution. Raisi was one of the judges in the so-called Death Committee responsible for massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988. Besides, Rouhani was also involved in the massacre as much, both as a security official at the time and considering that his Justice Minister was a member of that same Death Committee. The Iranian regime is the main problem in the Middle East. Due to its nature, the regime will never be able to respect human rights, since it will totally collapse otherwise. We at Don’t Touch Cain Community have always demanded that such issues as the situation of human rights, women, youth, and executions be raised in negotiations between Europe and the Iranian regime.”

Dr. Faisal Mahmoud of Democratic Syrian Community was the last speaker at the press conference held in Italian Parliament. In his speech, he pointed to collaboration of Khamenei with Bashar Assad in killing Syrian people, saying that the Mullahs’ regime has sent 60,000 military forces to Syria so as to maintain Assad in power.

He welcomed the consensus among Arab Islamic countries and the United States in Riyadh Summit for adopting a decisive, united position against Iranian regime’s interventions, adding “as for Iranian regime’s recent presidential election, I can only say that this is Khamenei who’s the decision-maker, meaning there’s no free election in Iran.”

At the end of the press conference in Italian parliament, correspondents from country’s different media, including RAI 3, RAI NEWS 24, and Radio Radical, interviewed the participants over regime’s election show and its interventions in the region.