Conference commemorates the late French First Lady Danielle Mitterrand, condemns soaring executions and abuses in Iran


NCRI – In a meeting to commemorate the late French First Lady Danielle Mitterrand, Dutch dignitaries and politicians praised her relentless campaign for human rights and democracy and in defense of the victims of injustice throughout the world.

Mrs Mitterand’s son Gilbert Mitterrand, president of Danielle Mitterrand Foundation, told the event how his mother advocated human rights in Iran and the rights of the residents of Camp Ashraf.

Mr Mitterrand said: “Your struggle for freedom in Iran is our struggle and the Danielle Mitterrand Foundation supports your struggle more achieving fundamental rights for the Iranian people in a free and democratic Iran, in which separation of religion and state is ensured. With you, building a new free world is more possible.”

The surge in executions and systematic abuses of human rights in the Iranian regime was also condemned by Dutch campaigners for a free Iran

Urgent action must be taken to halt the ‘alarming and unprecedented’ rise in death sentences to more than 1,000 under so-called ‘moderate’ president Hassan Rouhani, speakers at the event held by the Dutch Group of the Friends of Free Iran said.

The Dutch group’s chairman Professor Henk De Haan, Senator Kees de Lange, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Dutch Senate, and human rights activist Mr Geert Van der Meer were also among the speakers at the event.

They also noted to the 61st censure resolution by the UN on the Iranian regime’s human rights abuses and called for the referral of Iran’s human rights record to the UN Security Council.

Members of the Iranian associations of youth and women in the Netherlands also expressed their support for the Iranian Resistance leader Mrs Maryam Rajavi and her ten-point plan for the future of Iran.




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