Clinton: New sanctions needed against Iran regime


Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called for new sanctions against the Iranian regime over its “sponsorship of terrorism, illegal arms transfers, [and] human rights violations.”

In a speech in Washington on Monday, Clinton pointed to the “existential danger” that would occur if Iran’s “extremist” regime had a nuclear weapon.

“For many years, we’ve all been rightly focused on the existential danger of Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon,” Clinton said.

On the nuclear deal reached between the major world powers and Iran’s regime last year, she added: “it’s not good enough to trust and verify. Our approach must be distrust and verify.”

“This deal must come with vigorous enforcement, strong monitoring, clear consequences for any violations and a broader strategy to confront Iran’s aggression across the region. We cannot forget that Tehran’s fingerprints are on nearly every conflict across the Middle East, from Syria to Lebanon to Yemen.”

“Iranian provocations, like the recent ballistic missile tests, are also unacceptable and should be answered firmly and quickly including with more sanctions.”

“The United States must also continue to enforce existing sanctions and impose additional sanctions as needed on Iran and the Revolutionary Guard for their sponsorship of terrorism, illegal arms transfers, human rights violations and other illicit behaviors like cyber-attacks,” she added.

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