Chinese man arrested in U.K. over breach of Iran sanctions

Britain is holding a Chinese national who faces criminal charges in the United States on suspicion of conspiring to export devices to Iran that can serve to enrich uranium.

Sihai Cheng, 34, was arrested in February at London Heathrow Airport and had already appeared at a court in London and was awaiting his next appearance.

Sihai Cheng supplied thousands of parts that have nuclear applications to Eyvaz, a company involved in Iran’s nuclear weapons program, in violation of U.S. sanctions on Iran, federal prosecutors said.

“On February 7, Cheng Sihai, aged 34, was arrested by Met Police officers at Heathrow Airport in connection with alleged offences in the United States of conspiracy to evade the prohibition on the export of goods,” a spokesman said.

Cheng is suspected of conspiring with an Iranian figure to supply US-made pressure transducers to Iran illegally via China.

He faces a hearing in June over whether he will be extradited to the United States.

Source: Reuters, Telegraph

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