Canada welcomes UN resolution on rights abuses in Iran

NCRI – Canada on Thursday welcomed a UN resolution condemning the deplorable human rights situation in Iran, calling the resolution a strong signal of support for the Iranian people while holding the Iranian regime accountable for its actions.

The Third Committee of the UN General Assembly this week adopted the resolution censuring systematic rights violations by the clerical regime. The Canadian Foreign Ministry issued a statement shortly after praising the UN vote.


“The Government of Canada is extremely pleased by the adoption of this important human rights resolution,” Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon was quoted as saying by his office.

“The international community has fulfilled its responsibility by condemning the deplorable situation of human rights in Iran and by signalling to the people of Iran that they are not alone in their efforts to promote human rights in their country.”

With this and previously adopted UN resolutions, the Iranian regime officials “have been called to account for their actions,” the minister added.

His office’s statement also underscored the growing international concern over human rights abuses in Iran, saying, that the resolution was adopted by “the largest margin ever in favour of this resolution, signalling the international community’s deepening concern with the human rights situation in Iran.”

“Canada expects all Iranians to be able to enjoy the same rights and freedoms to which all people are entitled,” the statement read.

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