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Canada: Sanctions against Iranian regime will remain in full force


Following the collapse of Iran Nuclear Talks in Vienna, the Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said the negotiations with the Iranian regime is not an open end process and “until Canada is satisfied, our sanctions regime will remain in full force.”

Statement by Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, November 24, 2014:

“Canada has long held the view that every diplomatic measure should be taken to ensure Iran never obtains the capacity to sprint to nuclear weapons capability. We appreciate the tireless efforts the members of the P5+1 have made to address concerns about Tehran’s nuclear ambitions.

“While we support the efforts to reach a comprehensive deal, the process cannot be open ended. Iran’s dithering is either a cynical ploy for time or an inability to clearly repudiate military nuclear ambitions. The regime must take immediate actions to resolve the concerns of the international community.

“A nuclear Iran would not only be a threat to Canada and our allies but would also seriously damage the integrity of decades of work on nuclear non-proliferation. It would provoke neighbouring states to develop their own nuclear deterrent in an already volatile region, sparking a dangerous nuclear arms race.

“Canada will also continue to fully support the International Atomic Energy Agency’s ongoing investigation into the possible military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program.

“If Iran continues to obfuscate its international obligations, the international community must take immediate action and implement tough and binding sanctions. Until Canada is satisfied, our sanctions regime will remain in full force.”