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Canada praises the defiance of Iranian people and demands free and fair elections

NCRI – The Iranian regime represents the greatest threat to world peace and must be overthrown, the Canadian foreign minister has declared.

The population have endured decades of brutal repression and now deserve their freedom from dictatorship and fair democratic elections, John Baird told a conference at Toronto University on May 10.

He said: “Prime Minister Stephen Harper and I are absolutely resolute in this view: The Ayatollah Khamenei regime remains the greatest threat to international peace and security in the world today.

“That’s why we listed the Iranian regime as a state sponsor of terrorism. Why we made the IRGC Qods Force and Hezbollah terrorist entities in Canadian law. And why we have implemented tough economic sanctions.

“The world must target the IRGC’s assets, and expose the wealth they’ve been amassing at the expense of the people. We are taking every effort to halt the reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons capabilities.”

At the meeting entitled ‘Global Dialogue on the Future of Iran’, Mr Baird heaped praise on the Iranian people’s defiance of the regime during the 2009 presidential election.

He added: “We know Iranians have a deep yearning for freedom. In Farsi, it’s called Azaadi. A simple, but powerful word.

“Four years ago, the people of Iran showed tremendous courage and resolve. Outraged by a stolen election that mocked their right to choose, frustrated by a broken economy that robbed them of their creativity and enterprise, millions of Iranians took to the streets.

“They stood up to decades of brutal repression. They demanded the right to determine their own future.

“For weeks the world watched in awe, inspired by their bravery. Watching from afar our people held their breath. I confess that freedom-loving nations like Canada should have been more vocal in supporting this movement.

“We could have done more. But its pulse was felt the world over. It provided hope for those who suffered under oppressive regimes.”

And he said of the forthcoming presidential election on June 6: “The Iranian regime neither fears the West, nor the liberal democracies. The regime fears the courageous people of Iran.

“The people of Iran deserve free and fair elections. Not another version of the Ayatollah Khamenei’s never-ending shell game of presidential puppets. Not the rise of a regressive clerical military dictatorship.

“But robust elections which take power out of the hands of puppet masters and place it in your hands, the hands of the people.

“And so, I say to the Supreme Leader: Listen to the Iranian people.

“Here’s how you can respond to what your own people have asked for: Lift censorship of the Internet and other media. Release political prisoners. Allow election observers.

“Therefore, I call on the international community and fellow foreign ministers to join me in taking a stronger stand in support of the Iranian people.”