Canada: Iranian regime must end rights violations, support for terrorism


Canadian foreign affairs minister John Baird said in statement after the adoption of Iran resolution at the UN: “The adoption of this Canadian-led resolution demonstrates that the international community continues to condemn Iran’s abysmal record on human rights.

“Canada is heartened by the support this resolution received and reiterates to the Iranian people that their dignity remains at the forefront of the agenda.

“This resolution provides a public signal to human rights defenders in Iran that they continue to have our unwavering support. It also brings international scrutiny to bear on Iran’s atrocious human rights record and calls on the clerical regime in Tehran to uphold its obligations and promises of meaningful reform.

“It’s high time for President Rouhani to uphold Iran’s commitments, and reverse the trend of its worsening human rights record, its continued material support for terrorism, and its ongoing nuclear ambitions.

“Canada will continue to defend the rights of the afflicted and be a voice for all of those who have been silenced under Iran’s repressive actions.”

A resolution co-sponsored by Canada said the Iranian regime was guilty of long-standing human rights abuses, including the execution of juvenile offenders and persecution of religious and ethnic minorities.

The text of the resolution was based on the annual reports of the UN Secretary-General and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, supported by credible civilian and diplomatic reports.

It also noted that the past year has seen a significant increase in the application of the death penalty in Iran, along with routine torture, the abuse and suppression of women and the restriction of freedom of expression and harassment, intimidation and prosecution of the media.

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