Cairo warns Tehran with “frankness and clarity” that Persian Gulf security is a “red line”

NCRI – Egyptian government told Iranian regime that the Persian Gulf security was a “red line” for Egypt, Reuters reported on Monday.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil al-Arabi said that Cairo considers the security of Arab countries in the region “a red line” and told the Iranian regime not to meddle in the internal affairs of Arab states in the region, Reuters reported.


In an interview with al-Arabiya TV, Nabil al-Arabi said: “Egypt does not accept the intervention by any state in the internal affairs of another state,” and added that for Egypt, the security of the Persian Gulf region was a no-go area.

Reuters reported that in his interview, al-Arabi said he had communicated Egypt’s views on security in the Gulf region with “frankness and clarity” to his Iranian counterpart.

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