British PM calls for tougher sanctions on Iran regime

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NCRI – British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Thursday called for tightening European sanctions against Iranian regime for proceeding with its nuclear enrichment program in defiance of the UN Security Council resolutions.

Brown, meeting at the White House with US President George W. Bush, said that he had been talking to fellow European leaders on how to broaden sanctions against Tehran and to make sure that the existing measures were properly enforced.

"In the next few weeks, we want to extend the measures and sanctions to include investment in liquefied natural gas. I believe that sends another signal to the regime that what is happening is unacceptable," Brown said.

"Iran is in breach of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran has not told the truth to the international community about what its plans are," Brown said on Thursday at a joint press conference with Bush after talks.

"I'm talking to other European leaders about how we can extend European sanctions against Iran over the next period of time, and to ensure that what sanctions are taken are effectively implemented," he said.

On April 10, Ahmadinejad, Iran regime’s president once again defied U.N. resolutions by announcing the start of a major expansion of uranium enrichment capacity.

Ahmadinejad said “the resolutions which are adopted” by the UN Security Council are “scraps of paper,” the state-run Fars news agency reported.

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