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British MPs warn Iran is ‘plotting deceit’ in nuclear talks


One hundred British MPs have urged the UK government to take a firm stance with Iran during the nuclear negotiations because the regime is plotting to ‘deceive the West’.

The cross-party panel of lawmakers launched their Early Day Motion ahead of the crucial negotiations in Vienna which aim to halt Iran’s ambitions to build a nuclear bomb.The MPs warned that the regime is engaging in ‘deceptive tactics’ to preserve their ability to obtain nuclear weapons and said that the International Atomic Energy Agency had stated recently that Iran has failed to address concerns about suspected nuclear weapons research.

The Rt Hon. David Jones MP, who announced the EDM342 motion ‘Iran and Nuclear Weapons’, said: “While supporting Mrs Maryam Rajavi’s movement for the revelations of the regime’s secret nuclear weapons programme since for the past two decades, any nuclear agreement that does not include implementation of UN Security Council resolutions and a halt to enrichment of uranium in addition to the IAEA inspectors having unhindered access to all suspected sites will leave the path open for the regime to continue its ambition to create a nuclear arsenal.”

He echoed the remarks of foreign secretary Philip Hammond by adding: “We don’t want to do a bad deal. Better then no deal than a bad deal.”

Sir Alan Meale MP added: “It is a dangerous thing for President Obama to say that we, the United States and the Iranian regime have a common enemy.

“That common enemy is not ISIS, it is terrorism, sometimes state sponsored terrorism and Iranian regime is a regime that for years and years and years have exported state terrorism to the rest of the world. It is not satisfactory for the west to suddenly wake up and say we have a problem and that problem is ISIS and because of that we have to engage with other people who are themselves involved in terrorism.”

Lord Clarke of Hampstead CBE, speaking on behalf of the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom, said: “100 signatures for this EDM shows clearly that many MPs hold the view that the international community must continue to pressuring Iran on its nuclear programme, which can only be done through a firm position by the P5+1 and maintaining the international sanctions.”

And Lord Maginnis of Drumglass highlighted the Iranian regime’s illicit attempts to circumvent international sanctions and said the world must not be ‘fooled by Rouhani’s smiles’.

He said: “The Iranian regime not only duped the west but also bragged about it.”

Hossein Abedini from the National Council of Resistance of Iran said the NCRI’s disclosure of the existence of secret nuclear facility in Natanz and heavy water facility in Arak for the first time in August 2012 had triggered the first inspection of Iranian nuclear sites by the IAEA.

He added: “While the mullahs are at a strategic deadlock and are feeling the heat at home, and as their regional strategy has floundered, it will be a huge mistake to offer concessions to the mullahs at the negotiation tables. Mullahs are at a very weak footing and are not in a position to demand any concession.”

The MPs motion comes as the International Committee In Search of Justice released a report on the possible military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear programme.

The ISJ study concluded that that two systems have been fully functional in Iran during the past two decades – a civilian system includes Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization and universities and a military system which was a secret aspect of this programme.

Their report said: “These two structures resemble two concentric circles, working in tandem. Over the years, the military part of the programme has gone through reorganisation or name changes but has moved forward. According to available information, records, and documents, the military aspect of the programme has been and remains at the heart of Iran’s nuclear activities.

“Tehran has worked systematically on all the necessary aspects of obtaining nuclear weapons, such as enrichment, weaponization, warhead, and a delivery system.”