‘Blasphemous’ Iranian regime uses religion Islam for political power

Robert Torricelli speaking in Ramadan Conference in ParisNCRI – The Iranian regime’s hijacking of the words of the Prophet Mohammed and the Quran to hold onto political power is a ‘blasphemy’, former US senator Robert Torricelli has told a conference in Paris.

The regime’s mullahs had ‘stolen and demeaned’ the Islamic faith, Mr Torricelli said at the gathering of Arab and Islamic countries to mark the holy month of Ramadan.

At the August 3 conference, in which Mrs Maryam Rajavi was the keynote speakers, delegations from 30 countries in the Middle East and North Africa also stressed the need for solidarity against the regime that was branded a state sponsor of terrorism and the world’s main culprit for sowing discord and warmongering among Muslims.

Mr Torricelli told delegates: “The word of God may be perfect, man’s interpretation of it has never been. I came here tonight though not of your faith, with a simple plea, as you fight to free your countries, as you fight to take back your homelands, take back your faith because Islam has been stolen from you just like the freedom of your countries.

“The prophet’s words of peace and love have been hijacked but mullahs, dictators, and tyrants. It was not to be, and it does not have to last.

“We still fight that fight in Christianity to reconcile words of peace and love with the reality war and hatred. That fight has gone on for decades. That fight now goes on in Islam.

“It is not necessary, my friends, to be a Muslim to know that the Quran does not sanction torture or murder. It is not necessary to know the Quran that it does not justify the monopoly of political power.

“It is not necessary to know the Quran to know that it does not justify the enslavery of women. Indeed, the Prophet spoke to exactly the opposite.

“The mullahs’ lives are a blasphemy on the prophet. Using the Quran to hold political power is a blasphemy on God. The Prophet deserves more and God demands more.”

Mr Torricelli also praised the struggle of the long-suffering populations of Iranian dissidents in Camps Ashraf and Liberty, adding: “There is a place where the Persian people live true to the Prophet. It is not under the mullahs who have stolen their faith, hijacked and demeaned the Prophet. It is in those two small camps where the light of freedom still burns bright.”

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