Barzani .. Maliki considers military attack to Kurdistan

Kurdistan Regional Government President Massud Barzani
Kurdish region chief Massoud Barzani said that Maliki’s competence is over and there is no use to work with him anymore.
In an interview with Kurdish journalists, he said: Maliki circumvents all treaties and his actions do not reflect his words.

Maliki is mulling military attack to Kurdistan and based on information gathered from his secret meeting with military commanders, they have asked his permission for Iraqi army to go up to Salaheddin in Kurdistan, but he told them to wait for F-16 fighters and then the job will be easy, he added.
Barzani in his meeting with Kurdish journalist wished that there would be no war with the central government but reiterated Kurdistan is ready for such a war and that he is confident of victory if Kurdistan was forced to go to war.
Maliki and his friends would never thought of having the opportunity to rule Iraq, but after taking over the power and setting aside their rivals, he wants to be Iraq`s despot, Barzani added.

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