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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranAssad at weakest since 4-year conflict began, US analysts declare

Assad at weakest since 4-year conflict began, US analysts declare


President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria is at its weakest since the civil war began four years ago, US intelligence officials have revealed.

Pressure is mounting on Assad from four keys directions, David Ignatius wrote in the Washington Post

The article said: “Based on current trend lines, it is time to start thinking about a post-Assad Syria. Assad faces hard choices as battlefield losses mount.”

The Washington Post added: “As the pressure increases, some Assad supporters are taking precautions. Russia is reportedly evacuating some personnel from Assad’s ancestral homeland of Latakia, in northwest Syria.

“Meanwhile, some members of Assad’s circle are said to be seeking visas abroad and otherwise preparing for the possibility that the regime may fall.”

“But a word of caution about this ‘endgame’ talk. Assad has seemed in trouble before, but he has been rescued by Iran and its proxies. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani seemingly doubled down this week, declaring that he stood with Assad’s government ‘until the end of the road’.

“This suggests that Tehran recognizes the new pressure but doesn’t intend to buckle. Sources say additional Iranian proxy forces have recently entered Syria to help bolster the lines.”

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