Ashton says no guarantee of final Iran nuclear accord

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said on Sunday there is “no guarantee” that talks with Iran on its disputed nuclear programme will lead to a comprehensive agreement.

“This interim agreement is really important but not as important as a comprehensive agreement (which is)… difficult, challenging, and there is no guarantee that we will succeed,” Ashton told a joint news conference in Tehran with the Iranian regime’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

“It is very important that with the support of the people of Iran for the work to going on by the minister and his team and with the support of international community for my work that we should aim to try to succeed,” Ashton said.

On Saturday, as Ashton visit to Tehran began, a group of Iranians living in Brussels gathered outside the European Union Headquarters protesting the visit.

The protesters displayed photos of public hangings in Iran and the surge in executions since Hassan Rouhani has taken office.

The protesters including members of families of political prisoners condemned the visit by EU’s high representative on International Women’s Day to a country in which mullahs’ regime inflict outrageous misogyny.

Ashton visit coincided with the arrest of at least 80 women in Tehran on Saturday as the repressive State Security Force attacked a gathering by members of families of political prisoners and Dervishes to protest the suppression of Dervishes in the regime’s prisons.

The visit by Ashton is also taking place as the arbitrary and collective executions by the regime has taken a new dimension with over 150 executions in the first 10 weeks of 2014.

Visiting Iran and appeasing its rulers and disseminating the illusion of their moderation, only emboldens the regime to carry out more execution, torture and massacre, the protesters said.

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