Argentina Finds, Death of Prosecutor Due to Iran Regime’s Role Was Murder, Not Suicide


NCRI Staff

NCRI – Toby Dershowitz, Senior Vice President at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, has written an op-ed for Real Clear World surrounding the investigation into the 2015 assassination of special prosecutor Alberto Nisman, the day before he was due to present evidence that the Iranian Regime had been involved in the largest terror attack on Argentinian soil and that then-President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner was attempting to cover it up.

Dershowitz noted that the 400-page police report “found what most people instinctively knew”. Nisman had not committed suicide but was in fact murdered. In fact, he was drugged and then beaten, which does not scream suicide. Still, Kirchner decried his death as a suicide, the result of a spat with his partner, and even a murder designed to frame her.

The case, however, is far from closed. It is still unknown who killed him, who ordered the hit, and why.

Dershowitz wrote: “Many observers believe it was not his body that was the target, but the body of evidence he exposed about Iran’s role in terrorism in the Western Hemisphere, and about Kirchner’s alleged attempt to cover up Iran’s part in the July 18, 1994 bombing of the AMIA, a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires.”

This attack killed 85 Argentinians and injured hundreds more.

This report was released as INTERPOL’s General Assembly convened. INTERPOL issued their equivalent of arrest warrants for the Iranian officials involved in 2007 and extended them in 2017 (just before they were due to expire) at the request of the Argentine government.

Evidence that the Iran Regime was responsible for the AMIA bombing:

• Audio recording of former foreign minister Hector Timerman acknowledging that the Iranian Regime planted the bomb

• Court testimony from the former Argentinian ambassador to Syria, Roberto Ahuad, which revealed that Timerman made a secret trip to Syria in 2011 and met with Iran’s then-foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi, who is currently the head of Iran’s nuclear organization

• Nisman’s wiretaps which revealed that Argentina was working on immunity for the Iranian officials in exchange for trade deals

Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio has unified the criminal case that Nisman filed against Kirchner and 13 others for their role in covering up Iran’s role in the AMIA bombing with Kirchner’s treason case and it is believed that Kircher will be called to court by the end of the month; hopefully before the elections, where Kirchner is standing for a seat in the Senate- perhaps to avoid prosecution.

Dershowitz states that more evidence may emerge, now that the government is not actively working to hide their involvement and that US policy is no longer to ignore Iranian threats and that this may lead to many more prosecutions from others who helped to cover up Iran’s involvement.

However, the most pressing question is will the Regime ever be brought to justice.

Dershowitz asked: “”ill Iran — the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism — be held accountable for its apparent role in the murder of 85 Argentinians, not to mention other acts of terrorism around the world?”

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