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Amb. John Bolton: Congress should re-authorize Iran Sanctions Act to target mullahs’ regime

NCRI – Members of the United States Congress ought to re-authorize the Iran Sanctions Act which targets the mullahs’ regime for its sponsorship of international terrorism, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton told Fox News on Tuesday.

“The [July 14] Vienna deal lifts sanctions only with respect to Iran’s nuclear program. Many of the U.S. sanctions statutes – and this one is a good example – rested as much, or in fact much more, on the threat that Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism poses. So I think Congress is perfectly within its rights to re-authorize this statute because of its anti-terrorism aspects or to put in snap-back provisions if Iran violates the nuclear deal,” Amb. Bolton, a former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs, told the news channel.


He added that Iran’s regime has no license to withdraw from the Vienna deal reached with world powers if Congress re-authorized the Iran Sanctions Act which is separate from nuclear-related sanctions that have been in place. Under the agreement, nuclear-related sanctions would be lifted on the regime in return for curbs on Tehran’s nuclear program.

Amb. Bolton said that Iran’s regime has been the “central banker of international terrorism” since 1979.

“They are heavily engaged now in supporting the Assad regime [in Syria], another state sponsor of terrorism, as well as Hezbollah in that conflict and other terrorists around the world like Hamas in the Gaza Strip.”

The Fox News report quoted the National Council of Resistance of Iran as saying that the mullahs’ regime has been lying to the UN nuclear watchdog about the status of its nuclear-related triggers.

“Iran has been deceptive about the status of their Exploding Bridge Wire (EBW) detonators. These are an integral part of a program to develop an implosion type nuclear device,” it said.